Поздравления с Новым годом от президента ITI Стефана Чена сотрудников клиники ООО»Клин

Поздравление с Новым Годом от Стефана Чана

Наша клиника в лице главного врача Ростислава Авенировича Репина получила официальное поздравление с Новым годом от президента крупнейшей Международной команды Имплантологии (ITI):


Dear Rostislav Repin

As 2017 draws to a close, it is timely to reflect on the remarkable achievements of the ITI over the last 12 months. This year saw Prof. David Cochran complete his 4-year term of office as ITI President. David’s tenure will be remembered as one of innovation and development, highlighted by the restructuring and new focus of the ITI Committees and the introduction of the ITI Online Academy. The ITI Online Academy has grown significantly in this time, and now has over 600 content items, including 65 Learning Modules. David also introduced an academic leadership program to support and encourage young researchers and academics. Our thanks and appreciation go to David for his outstanding leadership, and my personal gratitude to him for his wise counsel and mentorship over the years.

The ITI’s flagship event, the ITI World Symposium, was held in Basel in May this year. More than 4,800 colleagues and friends from 90 countries attended to listen and be inspired by a record number of faculty, making it the biggest international implant dentistry conference on record. This was a fantastic event, and one to be remembered for the ages.

Following the World Symposium, I had the pleasure of being able to visit the Section Leadership Teams of Southeast Asia, Australasia, Taiwan and China. What an exceptional group of individuals! I was truly inspired by the energy and enthusiasm of our colleagues in the Asia-Pacific region. I must also make special mention of the first ITI Education Day that was held this month in Mumbai, in conjunction with the inauguration of Straumann’s new subsidiary in India. The event was sold out with over 580 participants attending. More than 200 participants signed up on the spot for ITI membership – an unprecedented number of new members from a single event!

Of course, it is great to recognize the success of the ITI and to finish the year on a high note. But it is also important to gain a sense of what is driving our success and how this may be perceived by others. At the meeting in Mumbai, I met with key Indian dental professionals and academics to introduce them to the ITI, and to outline our mission and philosophy. During the meeting, I was asked how one could be part of the ITI “movement”. This struck a chord with me, as I never thought of the ITI as a movement. But of course, this is exactly what it is. We are a group of people inspired to work together to share our ideas and views on the best practice of implant dentistry for the benefit of our patients. This common goal binds all of us in the ITI together, irrespective of country, culture or language. May the ITI “movement” continue to grow!

Season’s Greetings to you, and best wishes for a happy, safe and successful 2018!

Stephen Chen
ITI President

ITI International Team for Implantology I ITI Headquarters I Peter Merian-Strasse 88 I 4052 Basel I Switzerland
Tel. +41 (0)61 270 8383 I Fax +41 (0)61 270 8384 I communication@iti.org I www.iti.org